a sign of good things to come

yes I know, I forgot to blog again. I’m a horrible person and I can’t stick to anything for more than two weeks. It’s in my nature!

Something just kind of clicked this term. I’ve been much happier this term than I was last; I think because I’m not really causing any drama (not that I do generally but last term there seemed to be an excess) and I’m just feeling better because of it.

there is one thing I’ve noticed though, and that is that it’s completely glut and famine here; you’re either in your room, alone, or you’re with people. there is no sense of people just wondering in and out, which I kinda miss. I hope that’s what it’ll be like next year with a living room; just chilling and not having to worry about whether or not people think I’m a hermit.

I’m also super super excited for house parties!!! Oh man I’ve missed those. Clubbing is fun and all but there is literally nothing better than a good house party.

I went to my first rave on Thursday. I wore heels. You can probably guess that that was a bad idea.

On the plus side rehearsals are going well, and I’m reading a lot more! Definitely feeling like more of a student now rather than just living away from home. I’m naturally quite a hard worker so it’s nice to feel like I’m actually doing some work. Things are looking up 🙂 Oh and I’m going on holiday in Easter as well!!! wahoooo!!! Good things are on their way 🙂 🙂 🙂

being the sober one whilst everyone else is drunk is funner than you’d think

so you’ve decided to be designated driver for the night (or like me, you had a pretty disastrous new years and have sworn off drinking for the time being) and you and your mates are going to die cloob. it’s party time right? you know you have a good time drunk so it’ll basically be the same experience sober!

oh, you are wrong. oh so wrong.

this is what I experienced last night. I am never the sober one; even if it’s just a happy amount of drinks I like to get drunk. anyway that’s boring let’s get to the fun part.

no word of a lie, it’s like watching a documentary on ape behaviour. words become slurred to the point of being one big mush, dance moves are brought out that would make even the uncoolest dads cringe, and notes are hit that are meant only to be heard by dogs.

perhaps the weirdest thing is being more aware of the guys trying to hit on you. even if you don’t make bloody eye contact with them they try and grind up on you like it’s nobody’s business. bitch I am trying to dance here if I wanted your semi in my butt I would have asked you!

white people trying to dance generally makes me laugh. there’s no way I’m excluding myself from this; as a drunk white female I like to think I’m some sort of dance extraordinaire when I most certainly am not. I don’t know if it’s just the awkward moves? is this a genetic thing?

genuinely though I did actually have a really good time – the lack of alcohol meant I felt the pain in my feet an unbelievable amount more, but the experience certainly made up for it.

and the lack of hangover today was absolutely lovely, even if everyone around me was slumped over their breakfast. see you soon internet.



Today is the big day boys and girls. Game day. Time to get your Christmas face on.

It’s weird all the little traditions that every family has on Christmas day. There are certain things we do at certain times and they must be done every year or it doesn’t feel like Christmas. At least, my family do that. Maybe it’s just me…

I love Christmas though. So much better than a birthday because yes, you get to celebrate, and people are celebrating for you, but they aren’t celebrating with you. At Christmas, they do. It’s like everyone’s birthday because everyone gets to be happy.

And whilst I cannot eat another thing and am completely happy with my haul this year, I cannot help but feel a small sadness within me. There are those who cannot be with their family this year for whatever reason, and it really makes me appreciate the short time I have left with my very small family. I know it will not always be like this so I really want to cherish these times.

But enough doom and gloom! Today is a day of celebration! A day of feeling joy!!!

Plus I cannot wait for the Christmas sales and getting a shit load of jumpers because boy, has it gotten cold.

See you lot very soon, I’m sure.

Lucy x


After an extraordinarily busy christmas market yesterday, finally I have made it back home after the rollercoaster ride that has been this term. I think I’ve achieved a lot though:

– Moved away to a scary city where I literally knew no-one

-Subsequently made some friends (thank god)

-Been out to clubs and had some of the best nights of my life

-Submitted essays and received a degree-level mark which was actually good

-Been brought very quickly up to speed with a lot of culture; drama, art, music etc

I have to say it’s been one of the biggest decisions of my entire life and I’m super glad I’ve done it. It was absolutely terrifying at first and I can’t say I’ve been on a complete high the entire time, but there are definitely more ups than there are downs. And I think that’s what counts, in the end.

Three weeks at home is going to be super nice though. Although I have an essay and three exams to revise for, being at home and in my huge double bed is the nicest thing I could have. Definitely did need a break! Will be excited to come back for a new term of completely different modules.

I am yet to have new years resolutions; these will probably be formed in the next couple weeks or so. Think they’re going to be biggies though.

Bring on 2015!


On that Christmas hype 2k14


It is exactly 3 days until I go home, and 15 until the big guy comes and gives us all what we want. No that’s not an innuendo you dirty bastard.

Much things have happened. I got a part in the play!!! FUCK YHHHH IM NOT AN INCOMPETENT ACTOR. Wash of relief came over me when I read the email, just so excited to get started, make new friends, and do what I love. Bit cringe but you know me. You don’t, you’ve probably never heard of me. I’m a little cringe from time to time. It’s the drama coming out in me.

Got three real life serious uni exams in January – definitely not feeling that. Speaking of I’d better do some revision.


Bits and bobs

Trying real hard to get into this again… the fact that I can’t shows how hard it is for me to commit to something.

I have a callback today and I’m terrified. The shows I’ve been in never really hard a second round of auditions – essentially you auditioned for a part and either got it or didn’t. Boom. Easy pease.

But callbacks!!! What do they entail?! How does one impress again??? Really want to get into this play as well – haven’t been able to get into anything thus far and it sucks. I miss it so much I want to be in a play 😦

On a completely unrelated note my plummy accent has got even plummier. I’m not even kidding it’s so subconscious it’s awful. Need to definitely tone it down when I get home.

Speaking of home, CHRISTMAS IS SOON!!!! So soon I can taste it. I’m so much more excited for this years Christmas than last years, because I’ve been living away from home for three months now and really appreciate any time I have at home.

I wouldn’t say I’m homesick but I’m just ready to go home now yanno. Even though I’ve been home quite a lot this term I still feel like I need to be there. They prepare for Christmas really early in cities, so I’m kinda counting down the days until I get home now. That said I’ve got things to do whilst I’m at university to keep me distracted so it’s not too big of a deal.

I also have an advent calendar that has little jokes in each of the boxes. I mean, what more could a girl want?!

What else has happened to me…not much really. I was going to say something else but I can’t remember what it was. Sadness.

Going to get some lunch in a bit because I’m bloody starving. Speak soon!


A Short Nine-Month Break

Before anyone kicks off I didn’t have a baby. Whenever anyone says ‘nine months’ you immediately think oh yes. Pregnant. Up the creek. One in the oven.

But I say nay! I just forgot to blog! For nine months! What a surprise! Lucy started something and didn’t stick to it!

Strong sarcasm for all you who don’t realise. It’s hard when you can’t hear a voice, I know.

Lots and lots has changed since I was last on here. I finished my A-levels. I got my results, and got into a good university to do English Literature. I’ve moved to London. I finally got that bloody History coursework finished and subsequently burned any trace of it. Perhaps I enjoyed that too much.

My summer was fairly uneventful – I didn’t go on holiday, I essentially sunbathed and worked at a pub the entire time. My work friends are absolutely lovely though so I actually enjoyed working, which was a weird experience. Convinced I was going to hate it.

University is the best and worst decision I have ever made…I have actually made friends (didn’t think that was going to happen) and am enjoying myself profusely. I am not, however, doing half the work I was when I was at school.

School and uni are two very, very different atmospheres. Teachers spoon-feed you knowledge. Lecturers just tell you generally what’s going on in the book but you’re not really sure if they know what they’re talking about. You’re expected to impart profound knowledge at the drop of a hat, which I cannot do for shit. I generally need to go away, formulate my ideas and then I can come back with the answers to the universe.

I do love it though, and I am unbelievably glad I uprooted myself and moved to a completely new place. It did take a while to settle, as expected, but am a stronger person because of it. How cringe. It’s true.

I have also experienced something new – having male friends. Going to an all girls school meant there wasn’t exactly many opportunities to meet or just chill out with guys…plus the attitude there was ‘Male. MALE. QUICK NAB HIM’ which was, you know, a little disconcerting at times. But it’s nice! Different to talking to girls, somehow…but good different. It’s weird I’m sorry I’m word vomiting a little.

I think that’s it…going to review some more bits and bobs now I’ve got access to more theatre opportunities here. Definitely need to go and do some reading as I’m already procrastinating by doing this. Ciao for now.


Humming with Happiness

Got my Drama mark back today…75/80. TOP OF THE CLASS BIATCHES

Top of the year too, oh yes Drama is SO IN THE BAG! Just been going around all day with the biggest smile on my face. All our group’s hard work has paid off!

I’m not saying I’m the only one who should be congratulated but I’m just really happy our group has done so well because I put so much effort into it, would have been sad if it hadn’t been that high of a mark.

And I got half my English Mock mark back too!! After slagging them off quite profusely, turns out I didn’t do as badly as I thought I would. Which just goes to show I am a large worrier when it comes to these things. 

I have to say I do love my Drama; I put a lot more effort into it than I should…it is a hobby but it’s a big hobby of mine. Like almost as big as English. Which is kinda bad seeing as I’m doing English at uni. But ah well…I’ll just join a boatload of societies and be content with that.

Anywho, that was my day in a nutshell…will blog about more important things tomorrow!


Universities and Oscars

Well I don’t know happened there but I must have accidentally clicked something to delete my entire post. GOD DAMN IT.

Ah well here’s essentially what I talked about:

-Unis suck because it’s fairly lottery-based in terms of what offers you get (not that I’m ungrateful for the offers I have but to them you are essentially words on a page)

-I am really looking forward to University though because I want to get out of this small town! Not that I haven’t loved it but I just need to spread my wings a bit – wherever I end up.

– THE OSCARS WERE AMAZING. That selfie. Benedict Cumberbatch’s photobomb. The Pizza!!!! Absolutely amazing. Whatever I end up doing in my life I will attend, one day.

-I need to go and do my history coursework – 1,000 words in, 900 to go!!!! I CAN DO IT. Russia is killing me slowly and softly.

Speaking of Russia, what are you doing Putin?! Crazy man. I’m not exactly one for politics but even I can see what’s going on.

The world is weird.


The End of a Week and the Start of A New One

This week has not been normal. Had a bit of a family crisis on Saturday which ended up in mum ordering pizza and getting the family together to watch The Wolverine in the lounge. Which was nice.

(Which I will not be reviewing because of its pure sensationalism…Hugh still looks good without a shirt on though.)

This week I will finish my History coursework. History coursework is the absolute bane of my life and when it’s done you’ll know all about it. That won’t be for another 3 to 4 weeks though which just makes me want to cry. 

What else is happening this week…oh yeah I get the day off on Tuesday. Woo! Although technically speaking its a ‘passion day’ but we’re not obliged to go in so I will be taking that opportunity to lie in as much as humanly possible. 

Oh my god I didn’t tell you about The Contact Lenses Saga. Oh yes this one deserves capitalisation. 

Never in my life have I ever been so determined to get something in my eye. And normally I hate things in my eyes…flashback to the opticians about a year ago when the guy wrenched my head back and almost poked my bloody eye out.

But now I have them in! And God is it weird. Everything is in high definition…I can see branches on trees. I CAN SEE.

It doesn’t half hurt taking them out though. Taking them out is harder than putting them in! My eyes are all red 😦

I also have a driving lesson this week…that’s going to be a whole new post because I have a lot of things to complain about. A LOT. 

I really think that’s it, my life isn’t exactly a rollercoaster ride…OH and of course thank you to everyone who’s followed me so far!! It really is nice I appreciate it so much! 
